ASCI 112- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 50 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Tameness is a gradual habituation to humans, characterized by reduced fearfulness to humans. Wild animals can be tamed but they are not domesticated (ex, lions performing at zoos) Domestication is a process whereby populations of animals change genetically and phenotypically (behavioral and physiological). Driven by selection pressure based on human desired traits. An evolutionary process driven by selection pressures (natural and artificial) Neolithic era (new stone age) = boom in domestication due to increased agriculture (move from hunt-gather to farming) 10,000 years ago. Small flight zone (you can get close without them fleeing) Territorial behavior minimized (ex-different groups are able to overlap home ranges) Such social structure allows humans to function as group members and take both dominant and leadership roles within the group, thus facilitating management. Absence of specialized dietary needs (ex-can eat leftovers) Promiscuous mating (male-female do not form pair bonds, multiple sexual partners) Clear sexual signaling behaviors between males and females to indicate reproductive status.