BIO 130- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Here are the conditions (ink, paper, shape) in which the termites follow the circle. If i alter variable x in this way, the null is that they will do the same thing. The pattern of observations derived from the control group as your independent variable changes the dependent variable will not. Dependent variable variable that is a result of what is changed in an experiment (what you"re measuring) Your data is random (if the p value is low, your data is not random) 95% confidence interval if repeated samples were taken and 95% confidence interval was computed (for each sample), 95% of the intervals would contain the population mean: confidence interval measures the probability of containing population mean. Control a group of samples that does not receive the experimental treatment but is otherwise identical to the group that does. Treatment a variable applied to experimental units in groups. If (observation) and (hypothesis) then (experiment), therefore (conclusions)