CGS SS 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: United Fruit Company, Warsaw Pact, Formosa Resolution Of 1955

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Brinkmanship: similar to massive retaliation, the ability to get to the verge without having to go to war, required its practitioners to play a game of nuclear chicken, the willingness to go to the. brink of nuclear war to force the soviets to back down. Rollback: the ultimate foreign policy goal for eisenhower and dulles: rolling back communism, aggressive policy. Us would overthrow communist regimes and replace them with friendlier regimes: the new look would rollback communism, freeing the hundreds of millions who suffered from stalin"s terror. Cia operations: the cia rose under eisenhower"s new look policy, various cia covert operations would undermine communism around the world, soon collapsing the system, cia operation in guatemala to overthrow communist dictator arbenz. This overthrow led to backlash and uprise of young latin americans and young radicalized future dictators such as fidel castro (united fruit company execs asked truman for help to get rid of.