CGS SS 202 Midterm: CGS SS202 Exam Essay Note

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Comparisons of differences/ similarities in policies of truman, eisenhower, and kennedy. Truman: truman"s policy was the truman doctrine political statement. They saw that the us were not backing down and were ready to fight communism at all costs. Nato was a result from the truman doctrine and it was a measure of defense and containing communism. Eisenhower: eisenhower"s foreign policy was known as the new look policy, massive retaliation not afraid to use nuclear weapons against the soviets, rollback communism aggressive policy. Got rid of arbenz who was attempting to redistribute land. Cia did a great job on remaining hidden and thus guatemala became a puppet of the us for decades. Cia and british secret service worked collaboratively to get rid of mossadegh. They paid people off to say his government was corrupt and eventually replaced him with the son of the previous.