CGS SS 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Communist Party Of China, Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong

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Four orders: governing officials and large landowners, peasants, artisans, merchants. Mandate of heaven: legitimized who the best emperor was, if drought/fire/famine occurred it marked that the emperor needed to be replaced. The failure of the old dynasty was proof that it had lost support from the gods. Confucianism: maintain social order and good government / continuity, all individuals have to understand their place in society, government must be based on rules and codes of behavior that commanded respect and were enforceable. Durable because it absorbs elements from daoism and legalism. Require the loyalty of the subject to the ruler, subordination of the son to the father, faithfulness of the wife to her husband. Any state wishing to establish a trade relationship with the middle kingdom had to first be accepted into the tribute system and bring gifts to honor the emperor and also had to perform the kowtow ritual.