CAS PS 241 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Egocentrism, Limbic System, Tabula Rasa

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Language acquisition device (lad) biologically prepares infants to learn rules of. Languages have many structural elements in common. Children don"t apply a consistent grammatical structure. Kids make a lot of grammatical errors. Not innate because of lots of mistakes. Ignores role of social experience and cognitive capacities (seen in autistic children -- attribute labels to what they"re looking at, not speakers) Pay much more attention to environment interactions. Social interactionist theories: social context is important (social competence and language experiences) ^ all contribute in different ways to get the baby ready to speak. A set of abilities that involve sharing or coordinating attention with another person with respect to objects or events. Non verbally sharing attention with another person to objects or events. Put a toy in front of baby in mom"s lap. Baby looks at mom and back at the toy. Look at that thing (using eyes to communicate with mom to share experience)