CAS BI 107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Behavioral Ecology, Learning, Biogenic Amine

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Traniello review fmri used to understand the human response to fear. Love birds: hybrid bird used intermediate way of carrying material. Snakes on coast of california: important: environmental factors were eliminated. Abnormal behavior can be linked to single genes. Variations in mating behavior can be caused by single base pair mutation. Neurogebe produces transcription factors and turns on other genes in a cascade effect. What about mammals? fosb codes for maternal (pup retrieval) in mice. Defects in fosb gene can cause female mice to no exhibit maternal care. Praraie voles monogamous, strong pairbond, males provide parental care. Montaine voles promiscuous, asocial, males don"t provide maternal care. Prairie voles mating produces pairbond, induces release of hormones: vasopressin in males, oxytocin in females. But montane voles have these hormones too they don"t have receptors in the brain, so don"t exhibit behaviors. Montaine voles have the genes that code for the receptors (v1ar gene) but they don"t express it.