NUSCTX 10 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cholesterol, Glycerol, Lipoprotein

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Chemical substances in foods that provide energy and structure and help regulate body processes. Do not yield energy, but required for proper functioning of body. Pharynx swallows chewed food mixed with saliva. Goes to stomach that churns with hydrochloric acid. Small intestine completes digestion and absorbs nutrients into blood or lymph. Pancreas releases bicarbonate to neutralize intestinal contents. Large intestine absorbs water and some vitamins and minerals, passes waste to material. Anus opens to allow waste to leave body. Fiber can"t be digested because has a link between two sugars that humans can"t produce an enzyme for. Starches breaks down into simple sugars, goes into blood vessel to liver. Into polypeptides, into amino acids, into liver. Nutrients need to be converted to another form that can be used by the body. Energy from nutrients released through catabolic reactions. In the presence of oxygen, glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids can be metabolized to produce acetyl-coa.