BIO ENG 116 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cell Migration, Foreign Body, Regrading

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7 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Please write your name and sid on each page of the exam. Only exams written in pen will be considered for regrades. Multiple choice: clearly mark the letter of your choice in the space provided (2-pts each. ) Which of the following is not a form of cell signaling: endocrine, autocrine, paracrine, exocrine, neuronal signaling. Cell migration can be affected by the following environmental cues: growth factor gradients, fluid shear stress, collagen fiber direction, stiffness of substrate, cell density, d, e, a, c, d, e, a, b, c, d, e. The following are soluble molecules used in cell-cell communication except: steroids, cadherins, amino acids, cytokines, nucleotides, nitric oxide, integrins, b, g, b, f, g, b, d, e, f. True or false: write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false. False , provide a brief sentence on why it is false. (1 pt each)