CLA 3380 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trojan War, Acrisius, Chryseis

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Ids/short answer (hesiod) theogony: birth/rise of the olympians. Birthed from cronos and rhea (children of gaia and ouranos) Cronos eats newborn children; rhea hides zeus from him by swaddling a rock. Cronos eats the stone and ends up throwing up all the children. Rhea goes to crete to birth zeus. Zeus given thunderbolt and lightning as reward for freeing his eaten uncles (hesiod) theogony: prometheus. Prometheus butchered a great ox but didn"t remove the bones from it before serving it to. Zeus; as punishment he bound prometheus and thrust a shaft through him. An eagle/crow came every day and nibbled on his liver, which would grow back every night. Heracles ends up killing the bird and setting prometheus free. Pandora created through each god giving her unique gifts (ordered by zeus) Hephaestus ordered to mold her out of earth as punishment for prometheus" theft of fire. Works and days: pandora opened a jar (pithos), releasing all evils of humanity.