CLAS 2220H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Twelve Olympians, Epithet, Zeus

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Saying how universe began because goddesses told him. Form of hymn: asking for memory of past from muses who are insulting him and his shepherd friends, hymn. Address, who he"s talking to (mnesia memory, hypo time: memory of things in past, mnemosyne. Muses give him ability to talk about things that occurred in past and prophecies of future. 9 muses are all daughters of zeus and mnemosyne; responsible for all inspiration in arts. Boeotia hesoid born here, largest city is thebes (city of cadmus) Hesiod later moved to ascra a city with miserable weather. Helicon- mountain in region of boeotia; two springs sacred to muses located here. Helicon; here he was inspired muses and began singing origins of gods. Theogony - theo" god + gany" birth, distant past, purports to teach existence. Gaia, the earth; anthropomorphic (human-shaped) goddess; broad bosom ".