BIO 1106 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gastrovascular Cavity, Amebocyte, Hydrozoa

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25 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Sponges (phylum porifera) and cnidarians (phylum cnidaria: are eukaryotic, multicellular ingestive-feeding heterotrophs. Phylum porifera sponges simplest major animal phyla lack distinct tissues and organs typically, asymmetrical assemblages of cells saclike body consists of two layers breached by many pores internal cavity lined with food-filtering celled called choanocytes. Granatia some even appear green bc of relationship with algae. Appear plantlike because they are sessile (attached to substrate) Open-ended chamber surrounded by: thin, porous, folded walls of cells. Gets name from many pores in the chamber walls. Contain amoebocytes: creeping, mobile cells with variety of functions including digestion, differentiate into other cell types, secrete skeleton of. Lattice houses several species of shrimp: shrimp may even grow too large to escape. Spongin fibers: fibers compose the skeleton of common bath sponges, flexible and not like crystalline spicules. Asexual: budding and the release of stress-resistant aggregates of amoebocytes called gemmules. In favorable conditions, amoebocytes in gemmule can grow into mature organism.