[SCM 300] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 42 pages long Study Guide!

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Brick and mortar all products and services are sold to customers from physical stores. Online or e-tailing all products and services are sold to customers through an online website. Bricks and clicks products can be bought from a physical store or from an online system. Clicks and calls in addition to taking orders via the company website, some companies will also offer sales via the phone. Retailers that are fully committed to engaging customers via catalogs, phone calls, websites, email, internet chatrooms, social media sites or mobile apps, and of course also in stores. Manufacturers these are the companies that actually create the finished goods. Retailers then buy the goods and that retailer is responsible for distribution and storage. Wholesalers these organizations purchase goods from manufacturers. Typically they purchase an assortment of goods from many manufacturers, thus a retail company could purchase all of their electronics from a single wholesaler versus having to purchase from each individual manufacturer.