KIN 352 Study Guide - Eating Disorder

41 views3 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Be able to recognize the effect sizes (which is higher or lower, but not the specific numbers themselves) Know cognition and physical activity in children understand type of pa, difference in cognitive assessments, effect sizes, age differences and reasons for the age differences. Age difference reasons: effect sizes were higher in ages 4-7 and 11-13 and lower in 8-10 and 14-18. 4-7: kids have to be moving to have adequate cognitive development. 11-13: physical activity decreased anxiety and self-esteem problems and were able to perform better in class. Know how different treatments compare with exercise (don"t need to know exact numbers, but were they better or worse than exercise?) a positive effect size number equals better than exercise, negative number means it was less effective than exercise. The effect size for trait anxiety was higher than state anxiety (more research on trait anxiety) State anxiety: . 15-. 16 (know that there is a greater range for state anxiety)