CIS 236 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electronic Data Interchange, Web 2.0, Semantic Web

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Document Summary

Informational silos are when information is kept within one department and not shared with others. The lack of shared information lead to problems that continue to grow and are never solved completely due to a lack of communication. Eai: for organizations not large enough, for integrating information. Takes existing applications and puts all data into one central location. No more siloing - everyone is talking with each other. Decision support - information from every functional area. Lack of flexibility on part of the software. High risk of failure: what are four primary challenges that can inhibit successful adoption of an enterprise. Collaborative management using committees - hard to identify the boss. No one size fits all erp system - incredibly custom to each company. Hard to implement while still running a business. Process in which one goes from the idea to the product. A network of activities, roles, resources, repositories, and data flows that interact to achieve some business function.