BIO 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dystrophin, Rickets, Facial Nerve Paralysis

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25 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Stretch marks: tear the dense irregular tissue. Tension lines: direction of the fiber as they are laid down in the skin, they follow are regular pattern: papillary layer: closer to the surface. Made up of areolar tissue, which is really loose. Makes it easy for bacteria to get in: leukocytes (white blood cells) look for those bacteria. Cyanosis: blueness of the skin: choking or lung disease, cold weather. Erythema: redness of the skin: heat, anger, sunburn. Albinism: genetic no melanin in the skin. Jaundice: yellowness of the skin and eyes: liver problems. 3rd degree burn is usually painless, because nerves are burnt away. Bone: chapter 7: know the functions of bone, support: the bones support the body and its structures, protection. The action of muscles on bones produces movement: electrolyte balance. The skeleton stores calcium and phosphate and releases them as needed: acid base balance.