BIO-3314 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Agnatha, Binomial Nomenclature, Actinopterygii

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This is a general outline of material you need to understand to do well on your exam. If i talked about it in class or specifically instructed you to read about a topic and it is not in this outline then you are still accountable for that information. Text book: there is more information in the text than you will be responsible for. Study the notes firsts and use your text book to clarify. Chapter 1: diversity, classification, and evolution of vertebrates. Chapter 2: vertebrate relationships and basic structure. Chapters 3: early vertebrates: jawless vertebrates and evolution of jawed vertebrates. There is some overlap with this exam but you will not be tested on it until later in the semester. Study of similarities and differences in anatomy of vertebrates. Evolution is the basis of all biological sciences. Lecture 2: evolution and classification of vertebrates (chapter 1) Relative proportion of fish versus tetrapods (fig. 1-1) The most diverse class of extant vertebrates.