SOSC 3370 Final: Sosc 3370 - Final Analytical Response

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In my original reading response for european court of human. Rights upholds france"s ban on the full face veil i argued alongside the dissent that the blanket ban was a sign of selective pluralism and restricted tolerance. The justification behind a ban that prohibits the wearing of clothing designed to conceal the face is that it advanced tolerance, broad mindedness while also enhancing elements of social discourse and social solidarity. However, this notion of living together failed to be adequately defined and proven by the courts. It was unclear how any of ones rights and freedoms were being respected by denying an action that is present in their daily lives. The area i focused on throughout this discussion was the theme of formal vs. substantive equality. This theme emerged throughout this case and many times throughout this course. Over the course of our group discussion we expanded on several controversial ideas that arose while reading this case.