SOSC 1809 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Structural Violence, Medicalization, Cancer Screening

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Not merely of the absent of disease and illness but complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Functional health (sander kelman): state of being required to do everyday things. Social theorist: accesses to and over basic material and non-material resources, sustain to promote life. Material: food, water, medication, clothing, shelter, and money. Non-material: policy, discrimination, affection, social network, education, and mindfulness. Disease: can be identify by bodily signs (fever, blood pressure ) or defined by a professional (doctor ) Defined as: aboriginal stat, early life, level of education, employment/working conditions, how much you make, food security, gender, health care services, housing, social exclusions, social life, etc. 6 public and you would need insurance or pay from your pockets. Many people cannot afford this procedure because in some places they do not offer this to the. Depends on the theoretical and political positions that we bring to it . Power is the possibility to influence others .