PSYC 2030 Study Guide - Final Guide: Repertory Grid, Creative Commons, Qualitative Property

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Collecting numbers as data: reductionism / simplification. Loss of important information: doesn"t represent the real-world, loss of ecological validity. Focus on the meaning that things have for other people: try to involve participants in the research process (not always the case) Note: qualitative data can be paired with quant approaches. Sources of qualitative data: open-ended questions on survey, interviews, written documents - speeches, e-mails, blog posts, transcripts, gathered for the purpose of research. Interviewed by researcher: reactivity, already exists, archived communication - twitter posts, instagram, blog posts, interviews, none superior. Steps for qualitative research: develop appropriate research questions. Or how often: asking people about their perceptions, must be amenable to conscious verbal report, these reports must shed light on the topic, typically about groups/classes of individuals or situations. Identify key proposition for the study: specify the units and contexts of interest, establish the logic linking the data to the proposition, explain the criteria for interpreting the findings.