NATS 1775- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 59 pages long!)

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Why are some technologies successful in one part of the world and not in another: advanced vs. less advanced societies-progress is usually seen as a main contributor. Idea of success or failure of any technology is the result of certain societies being more advanced than others is simplistic response and neglects to account for other factors that are important in success and failure. In this case the africans chose the camel instead: japan in the 15th century, the japanese rejected american weaponry because they believe it didn"t suit their culture, especially since the samurai was their. #1 weapon at the time: theories about technological determinism. Technological determinism: technological determinism is a theory which attempts to explain the relationship between technology and society. Soft determinism: believes that just because something has causation, it doesn"t mean it wasn"t free willed (everything has led up to this, but in the end the choice is still yours)