MUSI 2520- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Only responsible for what is written in the powerpoint seeds of hiphop. Hiphop from jazz--duke ellington (famous jazz composer born in 1899)*--thanks for the beautiful land. Piece made in 1970---71 age --new orleans jazz festival. Western music refers to all music born in the western world, including europe. Records of this music exist back well over 1000 years. Although genres styles and languages have changed through the centuries the elements contained within comprise the foundation of western music as we know it. Eastern instruments determine an eastern style of music. Smallest difference in western music is the chromatic scale---12 (including sharps and flats) Melody-melodies are derived from scales, or ordered sets of pitches from low to high or high to low. The words you sing contain the melody . melodies derived from western scales, most commonly the major or minor scales are the most identifiable element of western music. Scale is the source---melody is arrange of pitches in the scale.