MUSI 2520- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Duke elington- 1970: jazz, hip-hop came from jazz, was 74 years old when he wrote the composition. Quizzes will happen every monday, due 11:59 pm. All music that is born from europe and the western world: over 1000 years. Evolution of african american music: native american & europeans are part of the development of black music, asian culture as well, the back beat (1920) Sources: work songs, chants, prison blues, chain gang. Songs: ferry in the morning prison blues of the south: milt jackson and sonny slitt- baggy;s blues , 1948, the back beat is actually a back beat, started from prison and slavery, vocal blues: Key artists: jelly ron morton, king oliver, louis armstrong (father of jazz)- invented the wordless vocal, song- his hot five (1928, swing era. Key artists: duke ellington, count basie- lester legos in 1957, sounds were big and sounds were big, like orchestra.