KINE 3000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeostasis

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Mood a positive or negative emotional state. Mood can be measured on the profile of mood states (poms) that has a scale of 65 different states. Moods can be positive exited, happy, content or negative worried. Did a study to see the effects of exercise on mood. Various moods that fit under 4 categories: Conducted on 58 non exercising females to see how the placement of a mirror effects moods in an exercise setting. Found that the mirror reduced feelings or revitalization and tranquility than compared to that of no mirror conditions. Mirror had a negative impact on mood. Overall pa plays a medium sized effect on mood. Exercisers have less negative moods and more positive compared to non exercisers. You"ve been told that exercising will make you feel good so you do feel it due to the expectancy: distraction hypothesis. Exercise can eliminate you from problems for some time and thus you feel good.