HUMA 1105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trojan War, Scheria, Theogony

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23 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Xenia hospitality greek tradition of hospitality where guests are taken care of before discussing matters. Zeus is patron god of xenia and it occurs in iliad when agamemnon feasts with officers and akhilleus feasts with friends in book 9. Nostos homecoming main plot of the odyssey, the homecoming of greek heroes after the trojan war. Mainly deals with odysseus and his 10 year journey home. Moira destiny or fate occurs when akhilleus is given the option of a long life but no glory and surviving the trojan war or a death at troy but glory in his name. Golden age one of the 5 ages of man described in works and days where man lived among gods and its was a time of peace and harmony in the world. Skylla monster who odysseus had to sail past in order to make his way home. He was warned that she would kill 6 of his men, which she did.