HRM 3410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intranet, Meritocracy, Groupthink

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Document Summary

Training focus on learning organizational specific ksas for current or impending jobs/tasks. More macro and broad based, focused on enhancing critical thinking, effective evaluation and communication. Wider applicability to work and non-work setting. Organizational: flexile highly training workforce that provides to the economy. Individuals: examinations of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; legal; competition; technology; national and international. Business strategy which leads to: overall strategy; macro level, subset (hrm) T&d programs: each program has a specific goal and program, needs analysis is made to determine the goals of each specific program. 2 technology, organizational needs: people and ee"s, budgets and resources, equipment, trainers, inputs to the process. Needs analysis: organizational analysis, task analysis, person analysis. T&d design and development: objectives and learning dimensions, w5h, content and selected training methods, delivery and implementation, training evaluation. Many organizations still view t&d as a discretionary expense rather than an investment. Demographics of developed countries: lower birth rates, aging population, labor supply issues for organizations.