ADMS 3410 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Organizational Learning, Task Analysis, Swot Analysis

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Midterm lectures (all together) chapters 1-5, 7 & 9. Societal you have an educated workforce (flexible, highly trained, meet demands of the economy, benefits across nation) Organizational productivity, worker retention (workers understand that organizations are interested and willing to invest in giving them new skills), ensures needs of citizens are being met. Individual learn new knowledge and skills, improved employment prospects, promotions, increased salaries/rewards, better standard of living, personal sense of competency, satisfaction: strategic model of t&d . Environmental analysis swot (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) Business strategy overall strategy of business. Hrm strategy health of business, learning and training strategy. T&d programs has specific goals and outcomes: systems framework. Inputs people/employees, budgets and resources, equipment, training, tech, organizational needs. Through puts/transformation needs analysis, training design and planning, methods and implementation, training evaluation, feedback/revision. Outputs transfer of training, knowledge, skills, performance, empowerment, satisfaction, individual and organization: soft perceptions, feelings, hard - numbers, training and development sequence.