HRM 2600- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Chapter 1 the world of human resources management. Human resources management (hrm): the process of managing human talent to achieve an organization"s objectives. Involves a wide variety of activities, including analyzing a company"s competitive environment and designing jobs so that a firm"s strategy can be successfully implemented to beat the competition. All managers are responsible for at least some of the activities that fall into the category of hrm. Managers play a key role in selecting, training, motivating: human capital and hrm. Definition: describes the economic value of employee"s knowledge, skills, and capabilities. Intangible, cannot be managed the way organizations manage jobs, products, and technologies. To build human capital in organizations, managers must continue to develop superior knowledge, skills, and experience within their workforces and retain and promote top performers. 65% of responding companies believe that their hr groups play a key role in developing human capital. Title 2: competitive issues and human resources management: hr managers and business strategy.