CRIM 3655 Study Guide - Final Guide: Systematic Review, Wheellock, Cherry Picking

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12 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Criminology of the other - reacts to the failures of penal modernism and to the social arrangements of late modern society by questioning society"s normative codes and seeking to transform the values upon which they are built. It encourages society to condemn more and to understand less. " it treats offenders as monstrous creatures" beyond our knowledge, who do not and cannot fit into our society. The significance of the criminology of the other is that it responds to, and further establishes, the culture of control that has increasingly taken hold in public discourse about social and criminal issues. In addition, this view of the offender as intrinsically dangerous firm distinctions of us vs. Nothing works - martinson"s (1974) answer to the question of what works through rehabilitation. This conclusion from martinson demonstrates the shift to the idea that crime is inevitable. The significance of this concept is that it represents the shift from penal welfarism to neo-liberalism.