CRIM 3654 Study Guide - Final Guide: Randomized Controlled Trial, Internal Validity, Social Change

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16 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Attempts to asses" crime through everyday life. Based on the idea that crime is inevitable and apart of everyday life. Management was the new goal, as opposed to the old goal of rehabilitation. Rehab didn"t disappear completely, it was reshaped: it was more focused on monitoring and supervision. Viewed penal welfarism as ineffective and inefficient. Damn similar to lombroso"s ideas from positivism. Offenders are seen as naturally criminogenic (prone to criminal behaviour: they are seen as mentally and physically different than us. Offenders are deemed dangerous and incapacitation is the best and most effective to deal with them: this is often done through practices such as mandatory minimum sentences and the three strikes law in california. It encourages society to condemn more and understand less. Think of it like welfare = helping people. The state supporting all of the people. Was interested in the welfare of criminals and aimed to rehabilitate and reintegrate them into society (ex.