[ADMS 3422] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (69 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Industrial relations: the study of employment relationships and issues often in unionized work places. Union: a group of workers recognized by law who collectively bargain terms and conditions of employment with their employer. Labor relations: the study of employment relationships and issues between groups of employees (usually in unions) and management; also known as union-management relations. Can also be called the balance between equity and efficiency. Collective agreement: a written document outlining the terms and conditions of employment in a unionized workplace. Collective bargaining: the process by which management and labor negotiate the terms and conditions of employment in a unionized workplace. Strike: an action by workers in which they cease to perform duties and don"t report to work. Human resources: the study of employment relationship between employers and individual employees. Employment relations: the study of employment relationships and issues in union and nonunion work places.