PS390 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mental Health, Intellectual Disability

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12 Aug 2019

Document Summary

Before wwi there were opportunities in europe/us for psychologists to apply concepts to pedagogy but distinct specialty of school psychology did not develop in usa and canada until. 1960/70s, when professional journals, curricula, master"s level of entry into profession emerged. Developed w/i economically privileged societies that believed in education and potential of democratic capitalist society to realize progress, efficiency, and new/more perfected social order. Supporters of progressive movement in early 1900s us were sensitive to discrepancy b/w rich and poor and believed applying scientific principles of human management to school-aged children was a form of christian charity that would achieve better social organization. School psych emerged as a specialty in response to educational administrators" needs for managing and sorting students to ensure that they adapted to the conditions of mandatory education. Children did not have a distinct social identity until late 1700s; they were part of regular labour force and adult social world.