PS296 Study Guide - Final Guide: Effect Size, Scatter Plot, Categorical Variable

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26 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Z test for one score (compare one score to a population mean, compare x to mu) Z test for one sample (compare xbar to mu) T test for one score (x to mu) T test for one sample (xbar to mu) Power analysis for one sample t test (delta/ ): Only need to do this for one sample t test t-test for paired samples: We have the same participants completing both measures or matched participants. We need to calculate dbar (difference score mean) When we see pretest and post test t-test for independent samples: Comparing sample means taken from 2 different groups of participants. Have to test for homogeneity of variance (levine"s) with spss output. By hand, we will only calculate using the pretest sd and not the pooled sd (unless we are given spss and it is significant) Question will ask about a relationship and state which variable is x and which is y.