GG272 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependency Ratio, Ester Boserup, Mixed Economy

169 views11 pages
12 May 2013

Document Summary

Need to understand what is going on, why so some areas grow while others decline. What fuels growth, why people move and why fertility rates differ over space/time. Demography: the empirical, statistical and mathematical study of population and the factors which affect it (births, deaths, migration all impact pop) Demography has 2 main branches: size and composition of pop, factors which affect pop composition, relationship between pop and their respective environment, formal demography and 2) population studies, formal demography. Gathering, collating, statistical analysis, technical presentation of data. Concerned with quantitative study of population dynamics. Changes in pop size, compositions and spatial distribution of p2eople: population studies. Concerned with population characteristics and trends in their social setting. # and variety of ppl in an area and any observed changes. Emphasis on identifying determinants of demographic change. Identifying the consequences of population change (individuals/society)