AS102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Globular Cluster, Exoplanet, Interstellar Travel

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The last chapter in the textbook discusses the possibility of life forms elsewhere in the universe based on our knowledge and understanding of the emergence of life on earth. As well, our successful search for exoplanets (planets around other stars) and our thinking about how to search for exomoons has started us thinking seriously about the question once again. Starting around section 15. 3 some very interesting topics are considered including the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (et phone home!) and interstellar travel. I will attempt to summarize some of these topics as they are really interesting. The standing joke among seti folks is that if we can"t find intelligent life here on earth maybe we can find it elsewhere in the universe! For some time now us humans have been trying to contact other advanced civilizations elsewhere in the galaxy. As early as 1974 mankind sent out into space the encoded message shown here.