Writing 2130F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Pathos, Thesis Statement, Active Voice

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Politics: language that tries to convince or persuade, but usually it"s used negatively. This course: art of persuasion; more generally, concern with understanding best available means of communicating your message. Why am i writing? (purpose) a. b. c. Argument (writing that aims to persuade and motivate action) "purpose is something we define for ourselves at outset. It"s a general sense of what we want to do/what we want to accomplish. " "point is a focused articulation of the purpose. It"s a thesis statement, statement of purpose, concise description of what you"re analysing. "how do we see our audience, and how can we write for them to like it?" "the genre helps us understand the form of what we are going to listen to. "definition: form/type of communication that aids in balancing form and function" "it gives us a recognizable framework that helps our message be received by the audience. "breaking away from genre makes it harder to understand"