Women's Studies 1021F/G Final: Women’s 1021F Exam Notes

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We are human in relation to other people. Uk- deter refugees from making the journey , decision to turn the refugees into something other than human beings. These categories are all interconnected and effect how we think about individual subjects. Personal and broader questions about what conditions are necessary to be perceived as full human beings. Intelligibility- to be interpretable, readable (race- not the same colour, don(cid:859)t get them because they look different) Recognition, be able to recognize the other in order to respond to them. Nazi: language and pictures for jews to be perceived as not human beings. When does human become non-human: difference, marginalization, otherness. We do(cid:374)(cid:859)t all (cid:449)a(cid:374)t to (cid:271)e the sa(cid:373)e. All categories melt into each other, all about not fitting in. Sexuality and the human: heterosexuality + cisgender is human. To be considered a full human being you must be heterosexual and cisgender (some countries will be put to death, socially causticized (cid:895)