Women's Studies 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Needlework, Postfeminism, Pronoun

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Gender stereotyping in the english language: women do not have a fully functioning autonomous (independent existence) Language (mailman, fireman, freshmen), jobs associated with women are family oriented - nurses and teachers referred to as she (low status jobs) Doctors, engineers, presidents referred to as he (high status) Forceful, controlling objects are masculine: linguistic practice defines females as immature and unable to compete with men. Thinking of women as immature (referring to women as girls, women and children have to be protected -> unable to defend themselves) Men always first in listing (man and woman, husband and wife: women defined in line with their sexual desirability (derogatory terms: tramp, bitch) Easy -> man=easy going, woman=sexually easy: men are defined in power in occupational world but women are defined in their associated with their relationship with men (divorcee, mr/mrs, man and wife, neutral words for women connotate an obscene nature.