Sociology 2172A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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Marshal mcluhan (1968: father of leading prophet of electronic age/communication era, stated, advertising is very considerable part of our total culture. It is not separable from any other activities of our world . Why is advertising studied in sociology: distribution of resources both economic and social. The amount of money spent for advertising. Ex: super bowl ads can make or break a company it"s a huge deal. Tells us what"s socially okay and what"s not. Privilege forms of discourse tells us what"s good: a century ago it was church sermons, political oratory and elders, now it"s a discourse through and about objects . Parody products they are built up off of image not taste or what they are meant for but rather for how they are advertised (ex: beer expensive beer but regular taste) Public opinion: harsh criticisms and strong defenses. 60% said advertising is an insult to your intelligent (doesn"t mean its not going to have an impact)