Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: First Nations, Socioeconomic Status, Proletariat

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Social stratification persistent patterns of social inequality within society. Existence of groups: the unemployed and low-income workers, first nations, immigrants, young adults that rank lower than others in the social stratification system. We study social structure, or the way in which society is organized, both formally and informally. Inquiries about social change form a third key area in the discipline. How and why do societies, the institutions and power structures within them, and the values and beliefs held by individual members change? generation. Inequalities in wealth can threaten social stability (the poor resenting the wealthy, for example, and demanding more equality), and inequalities in power can be used to maintain social order. Understanding of social stratification also essential for studying social change, since, frequently, it is the. Society in which stratification did not exist all things of value distributed equally (imagine) of women in positions of power and authority) Social stratification exists in one way or other in all societies.