Psychology 2990A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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When juries are involved it is in very serious cases with serious consequences for the person on trial. They apply the law (as defined by judges) Render a unanimous verdict of guilty or not guilty. Juries represent the community where the crime occurs (adds legitimacy and public acceptance to verdicts) this is so that their decision seems more publicly acceptable. Serve as the conscience of the community (can guard against laws perceived to be unfair; e. g. dr. morgentaler and abortion laws) Morgentaler performed illegal abortion surgery in his private clinic, after not being charged the government changed the law to allow abortion. If successful, person is sent back to jury room and may be selected for another trial. No guarantee that the jury will be representative (e. g. , biased jury pool) (1) (2) and (3) above will limit representativeness because it will rule a bunch of people in the community out.