Psychology 2990A/B Midterm: PSYCHOL 2990 Midterm #1 Notes

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Part 3: what are the characteristics of a good jury. The supreme court have made 2 characteristics of a good jury. Not always: biased information can be published before the ban is imposed (ex: bodies on pickton"s pig farm) Info is published after the ban is imposed (american websites and tv; ex: bernardo: murdered 2 teen girls in st. catherine"s - information was found in american sources. Methods: participants watched video of robbery trial, prior to viewing the trial, researchers manipulated, exposure to biased pretrial publicity (no or yes). If yes, manipulated : content of pretrial publicity, factually biased (accused had a prior criminal record) or, emotionally biased (young girl seriously injured by a car that matched the description of the get-away car, timing of the publicity. Immediately before the trial or 12 day before the trial: after watching the video they give a verdict.