Psychology 2990A/B Final: [Psychology 2990A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 75 pages long Study Guide!

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No absolute right to a jury trial (depends on provincial- territorial legislation). E. g. allowed in ontario (not quebec): 2. The act that you were charged with is against the peace of our lady the queen, her crown, and dignity. Right to jury trial guaranteed in criminal code. But, only for more serious offences (penalty of 5 years or more in prison). When juries are involved, there for most serious cases with most serious offences. They apply the laws (as defined by judges). Render a unanimous verdict of guilty or not guilty. Also assumed they will play 2 other roles: juries represent the community (adds legitimacy and public acceptance to verdicts), serve as conscience of the community (can guard against laws perceived to be unfair). Must be representative of the community where the crime occurred. Typical selection procedure: obtain list of people in community where the crime occurred (e. g. voter registration; census; local phone book).