Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Twin Study, Behavioral Enrichment, Heritability

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28 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Two standard deviations below the mean is regarded as subnormal, and two or three standard deviations above mean is regarded as gifted. Mental retardation refers to the subaverage general mental ability accompanied by deficiencies in adaptive skills, originating before age 18. Levels are mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Down syndrome is a condition marked by distinctive physical characteristics (such as slanted eyes, stubby limbs, and thin hair) Phenylketonuria is a metabolic disorder that can lead to retardation if it is not caught and treated in infancy. Hydrocephaly is an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull destroys brain tissue and cause retardation. Vast majority of mildly retarded children come from the lower socioeconomic classes. The experts who shape government policy consistently assert that giftedness should not be equated with high intelligence and they recommend that schools not rely too heavily on. Gifted children have long been stereotyped as weak, sickly, socially inept (cid:498)bookworms(cid:499) who are often emotionally troubled.