Psychology 2010A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Lobotomy, Incubation Period, Spontaneous Recovery

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The structure of the mind: all personality theories agree humans/animals born with instincts & motivations, at birth inner motivating forces not yet shaped by external world basic and unsocialized. Pleasure from talking, being close to others, seeking knowledge. Chewing, eating, smoking as adults: early sense of security confirmed by modern science mother"s responsiveness is one of best predictors of infants" patterns of attachment and later social adjustment. Stingy, passive-aggressive (silent treatment: unsuccessful try to maintain total freedom of action fixated. Little boy cannot kill father/marry mother so resolves conflict by developing identification with father assumes manly characteristics and tries to be like father to vicariously obtain mother. Denial: denial refuse to acknowledge anxiety-provoking stimuli. Injured and don"t feel pain until see wound mind has own means of keeping sensations out of conscious awareness. 9/11 attacks families of victims continued to believe their relatives alive since bodies not found: attention by researchers in denial and repression relation to stress/coping/health.