Psychology 2010A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Inferiority Complex, Social Rejection, Assertiveness

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Chapter 10 person-situation interactionist aspects of personality. Inconsistencies in behaviour led to consideration of personality and situations. Interpersonal psychiatry contrasted with psychoanalytic theory: personality inextricably tied to social situations pattern of recurrent interpersonal situations. Illusion of individuality person has a single, fixed personality is just an illusion patients: sullivan laid groundwork for modern interactionist approach & murrary was most influential. Looked for combination of internal motivations and external demands. The narrative approach: murray"s influence: narrative approach (mcadam) study motivations through biographies in order to understand full life context of the whole person. Intimacy motive need to share oneself with others in intimate ways: at each stage in life internal inclinations lead us to seek out and respond to certain situations which help to further shape our inclinations and identity. Modern interactionist approaches begin: walter mischel: mischel argued a person"s behaviour varies so much from situation to situation that it makes no sense to think in terms of broad personality traits.