Political Science 2237E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gift Economy, Olive Oil, Usury

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Commercial society vs. non-commercial society: emporos are not aristocratic, they are not respected. They are doing it just to make a profit, seem like the type who would do anything for money. Willing to risk really important things for unimportant things (i. e. risk their lives for gold pieces). Have an unbalanced view of what is important in life, selfish, reckless gamblers: prexis is often aristocrats, respectable because it brings in essentials for the polis like metal for weapons, wine, olive oil, slaves, food. Political unit: warrior clan: loyalty is to a person. There is not really a division between state as an institution and the rest of society: polis/polity: focused on a geographical area, loyalty is to this area. Tend to be very small and have limited administrative capabilities: empires: large, centralized power with little political participation, but not under the thumb of the empire all the time, it can be very far away.