Political Science 2237E Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Gift Economy, Conspicuous Consumption, Security Dilemma

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People would rather have status or honour than money or goods. You also spend to gain or build status or honour, conspicuous giving . By conspicuous giving you build relationships with other people and maintain relationships. You give gifts to your allies to cement alliances or to enemies to build bridges. You also give gifts to the gods in hopes that they give gifts back. You may also give to the dead, more effective for the christians. You build a name for yourself and create resources. Conception of wealth involves possessions and the mind. Usury is acceptable, lending money at interest. Invention of money makes a difference of how we see the world. Creation of money makes it possible to be rich. These abstractions have made it difficult to perceive reality. Locke: stockpiling goods or money is unjust to natural rights. Money gets in the way of more important things.