Physiology 3140A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Densitometry, Hydrogen Peroxide, Homogenizer

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Immunofluorescence: procedure to detect which cells express protein of interest using an antibody with a fluorescent tag. Resolution allows detection of sub-cellular location of the protein. Fluorescent antibody allows detection of specific proteins within a tissue (if thinly sliced), or within a monolayer of cells plated in a dish. Immunocytochemistry: visualizing protein of interest within layer of cells. ^ both rely on antibody detecting protein, and can be called immunofluorescence" if the antibody has a fluorescent tag. Different types of antibody markers: fluorescence, colorimetric reaction (colour change, used to show entire tissue in conjunction with the protein of interest. Histology: study of tissue architecture using a variety of stains to visualize tissues that have been cut into thin slices. Look at general structure of tissue, not specific protein. General stains like haemotoxylin are chosen to visualize tissue of interest. Immunohistochemistry uses similar protocol, but instead of a general stain, an antibody is added to detect/visualize target protein.