Physiology 2130 Final: Podcast 10-12

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Know how to identify the structures: how do these structures contribute to the lungs and gas exchange specifically, e. g. the right bronchioles or left bronchiole, alveoli, etc. Understand the detail of the particular images. Alveoli: blow up image of it. Inside the capillary endothelial cells are the red blood cells: type two cells help to produce surfactant. Know different cells types, what they are involved in, how they function and contribute to the function of respiration. Ribs want to expand outward due to the musculature that surrounds the ribs. The tissue of the lungs elastin and collagen want to help recoil the lung: when it retracts naturally elastic part of the diaphragm it comes back up and the lungs. Diaphragm is a muscle that we are able to control: when it pulls downward it will expand the lungs. Understand the relationship on how all the structures contribute to how the lungs will expand or then shrink and expel air.